domingo, 2 de septiembre de 2012

What Content Should Go In Your E-Newsletter? 50 Ideas

What Content Should Go In Your E-Newsletter? 50 Ideas

Creating great content on a regular basis for your e-newsletter can be tough. It’s what stops many small business owners from starting an e-newsletter, or prohibits them from sending them regularly.
Here is a list of 50 ideas to get you started. It’s a good idea to have a plan for what type of content will you send out regularly. Will there always be a long article plus tips? Will there be photos or charts? People build trust in your brand when you act in a way that is expected.
Also, you should think about what type of personality you want to convey. The types of content you choose will affect your brand’s image. Some small business owners may finds it makes them appear more human if they include personal stories or jokes. For other organizations, this would be the wrong tone.
Finally, don’t be afraid to ask your newsletter recipients what they’d like to hear more about.

50 content ideas for your e-newsletter

  1. Promote your blog posts
  2. Send people to other blogs or articles you like
  3. Write product reviews
  4. Write reviews of unexpected things (food, movies, books, bicycles, etc.)
  5. Client testimonials
  6. Answer a client email as an article
  7. Tips
  8. Beginnings of articles, find the rest on your web site
  9. Coupons
  10. Exclusive offers
  11. Photos of happy customers
  12. Photos of products in action
  13. Employee biographies
  14. Videos
  15. Jokes
  16. Cartoons
  17. Charts
  18. Statistics
  19. Industry events
  20. Technical information defined
  21. Contests
  22. Links to Facebook
  23. Links to Twitter
  24. Links to LinkedIn
  25. Links to articles you’ve written
  26. Downloadable white papers
  27. Personal stories
  28. Case studies
  29. Portfolio examples
  30. Welcome to new clients
  31. Welcome to new readers
  32. Number of products sold
  33. External reviews
  34. Behind the scenes at your company
  35. Non-profit partnerships
  36. Business partnership information
  37. Frequently Asked Questions
  38. Insider information
  39. Recent work
  40. Recent contracts
  41. Thank you’s
  42. Account information
  43. Deadlines
  44. Inspiration quotations
  45. Birthday wishes
  46. Photos of recent events
  47. Photos of completed projects
  48. Giveaways
  49. Surveys
  50. Membership and renewal notices
What other ideas do you have? What’s worked or flopped?

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