We have been posting about paper craft artworks quite ofter here on Abduzeedo. Perhaps, these kind of work might bring us back childhood memories, who never created paper objects? The work that Cris Wiegandt does goes beyond that. The animations, the details and the cuteness on some of her work is simply awesome. Today we want to share some examples of that and also a little case study of the Nickelodeon Kindernet work she did.

The Brazilian-born artist Cris Wiegandt who has lived in Hamburg and Barcelona and now lives in Berlin calls herself a craft queen. She creates worlds out of colored paper, in which a space shuttle arise, catamarans glide through the see or Lady Darth Vader fights against a platform shoe - and sometimes this crafts are in motion.

Nickelodeon Kindernet - Case Study

Kindernet is a Dutch television channel owned by MTV Networks, a subsidiary of Viacom International.
Direction and Production:
dyrdee Media GmbH & Co.KG - http://www.dyrdee.com
  • Creative Director: Ole Keune, Ljubisa Djukic
  • Art Direction: Jochen Weidner
  • Stopmotion Artists: Cris Wiegandt, Robert Loebel
  • Compositing: Johann Volkmar
  • Producer: Sven Hornets
  • Technical Director: Mesut Can
  • Internship: Alvaro Caminero
  • Sound design: Sebastian Müller

Flower & butterfly - paper craft


PITCH / Commerzbank


For more information visit http://www.criswiegandt.net/

About the author

Abduzeedo is a blog about design. There are all sorts of articles for those who want to look for inspiration. Also you will find very useful tutorials for the most used applications out there, with a special selection of Photoshop Tutorials and Illustrator Tutorials. Of course there are other softwares conteplated like Pixelmator, Fireworks, and web design tutorials.
