martes, 21 de enero de 2014

Establish Your Brand By Creating an Effective Logo

Establish Your Brand By Creating an Effective Logo

by pixel
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A logo personifies and embodies the presence of a brand. The best logos have common characteristics that seek to accomplish a goal. Social Media Today reports that a company logo must actively promote a brand without necessarily being the main focus. A successful logo defines a brand, making it stand out from the sea of generic corporate sameness and spam.
business logoBrand Directory reports the top 10 most successful companies as follows:
• Apple
• Google
• Microsoft
• Wal-Mart
• Samsung
• GE
• Coca Cola
• Vodafone
• Amazon
    The average viewer is able to pick out common themes, ideas, and design choices in any of the company logos of all these major companies. If a company desires to create an effective logo, there is no better place to look than the companies which have mastered their global presence through logos which spearhead their brand to success. A few key strategies in building a great logo will make the brand far more powerful.

    1. Color Balance

    Colors accentuate certain emotional responses. As a general rule of thumb, red evokes excitement, orange evokes natural and organic, purple is youthful, white is pure and clean, and pink is feminine and warm, reports SigGraph. These types of colors accentuate a certain desired emotional response, even in subtle ways. Choose a color that matches the brand’s overall style, demographic, and image.
    A brand is often built on a single color, and the logo itself should rarely exceed two colors, notes Market Storm. On a purely financial level, more colors equates higher cost for printing. But on an aesthetic level, more than two colors can easily become distracting and convoluted. Simplicity reigns in logo design. This is why the Logo Garden logo design, for example, is as efficient in both a social media and physical format. It employs a single color graphic (green) over a blue logo mark. It also uses white space to establish a clean and pure look.

    2. Negative Space

    Many logos employ a single color in their repertoire and take advantage of negative space for a fuller effect. These logos, as noted at Logo Design Love, include the WWF panda, the Dolphin House simple letter type, and the single graphic for Carrefour. These logos use the non-existent white background to create an enthralling effect. By using less, these logos actually employ more.

    3. A Brand Appropriate Style

    The Rio Olympics are energetic, exciting, and vivid. The company logo for the brand consists of many swirling colors and a font type that is left of center. Many companies are catering their logo to a mobile platform. A circle design with one or two colors, as seen with the Studio 7 logo, is important for businesses that are tech-based and accessible on a mobile platform, as points out. Cater the logo to the brand’s overall emotions. The modestly chaotic Rio Olympics brand matches the brightly swirling logo, as well as the basic circle design that matches the tech firm. DC Comics is based upon the superhero genre. It’s no surprise to see a logo that is, quite literally, the DC logo being half revealed in a ‘lift off the sticker’ type of style. It perfectly accentuates the main aspect of the brand in a bright and clever way.
    Again, these are just a few key considerations when developing a great logo. Logo design for brand impact is an art form in itself which typically integrates many different considerations the key ones being the right amount of research, strategy and creativity.

    Author: Chris London is the art director for Pixel Productions Inc., specializing in strategic logo design and brand development for businesses of all sizes. 

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